About Our Feedback Forum

Please review the Feedback Policy and Legal before participating in the Feedback Forum.

Every local company on the Visual Communications Group, Inc. ("VCG") Network has a profile in our Feedback Forum. This includes local companies listed on signsearch.com and pro.signsearch.com. Each profile contains company information and a record of Feedback submitted by customers (buyers) who have hired a company listed on our Network to provide them with a product or service. The Feedback Forum is designed to give customers the opportunity to publicly express opinions about their buying experiences with those companies listed on our Network. Each Feedback item consists of a 1- 5 Star Rating and a short written comment. The more Feedback items a company has in their profile, the more reliable and accurate their Buyer Rating is. Therefore, we encourage users to give Feedback and we also encourage listed local companies to actively solicit Feedback from their customers. We do, however, limit how often an individual customer can give Feedback about the same company. We want a representative cross-section of opinions. To participate, a user must have hired a company listed on our Network to provide them with a product or service, and also be willing to provide personal contact information so we can verify a recent transaction.

Our intention is to both facilitate informed and confident business choices by our users, and inspire and reward excellence in the delivery of products and services by the companies listed on our Network.

Submitting Feedback

The Feedback submission form is very simple, requiring only your contact information, (anonymous Feedback cannot be accepted), a rating of 1 - 5 Stars, and a brief comment. To submit Feedback for a company listed on our Network, choose any of the following:

Perform an appropriate local search from the "Home" page of this site and get a search result that includes the company you wish to give Feedback to.

  • Inside the company's detailed profile page click the "Submit Feedback" link inside the Buyer Toolbox, or click on the "Be the First to Rate this Company " text link just above the Buyer Toolbox.
  • Inside the company's detailed profile page select the "Buyer Feedback" tab and then click on the "Submit Buyer Feedback" button or the "Be the First to Rate this Company" button. Perform a search by clicking the "lookup company" footer link at the bottom of any page.
  • Provide the company name and location (state/province) of a company you wish to give Feedback to and select "Search". This will take you to that company's detailed profile page - where you can then choose to select any of the links as described in the first two bullets of this section.

Responding to Feedback

The company about whom Feedback is given is provided an opportunity to reply (or rebut) one time within the Feedback Forum. The reply will be shown directly below the original Feedback item. After a reply is submitted, that particular Feedback "topic" is closed and no further submissions are allowed. Please remember that any reply that is posted will be both permanent and public, so be sure to submit only what is fair and factual.

Negative Feedback

Receiving negative Feedback is never pleasant, particularly if you feel that it was unwarranted. If the comments submitted violate our Feedback Policy, you can request that the Feedback item be removed. However, a simple belief that a comment is untrue or undeserved is not a valid reason for removal. Please read "Withdrawing Feedback" below for more information related to removal of Feedback.

To maintain the integrity of our Feedback Forum, submitted items will not be removed based on subjective reasoning. All comments posted in the Feedback Forum are based on an individual's perception of a specific buying experience with a company listed on our Network.

If you've received negative Feedback, here are a few suggestions:

  • Contact the author and attempt to resolve whatever issues may have prompted their negative Feedback, and then request that they retract their comments. When Feedback is withdrawn by an author it will no longer be displayed and the low rating (1-5 stars) associated with it will no longer count towards your overall Buyer Rating.
  • Post a professional reply to the comment that explains the situation from your perspective, including outlining any discrepancies you see in the author's comments.

Withdrawing Feedback

Authors, (buyers), can withdraw a negative Feedback comment they have submitted for a company at any time. When Feedback is withdrawn by an author it will no longer be displayed and the low rating (1-5 stars) associated with it will no longer count towards the company's overall Buyer Rating.

As Feedback is intended to be used as a business transaction's "final score", not as a means of dispute resolution, we strongly encourage communication with a company prior to leaving any negative feedback, as most misunderstandings can be resolved quickly through direct communication.

To withdraw a negative Feedback item, the author needs to click on the appropriate link found in the email they received confirming receipt of the original negative Feedback submission. Once they have confirmed their desire to remove the Feedback item, it will automatically be deleted.

Feedback may also be removed if the legal ownership of the company has changed, and the previous legal owner(s) is not affiliated with the new company or company ownership. Please note that, upon approval of the request, ALL Feedback will be removed from the company's profile (both Positive and Negative Feedback). To request removal of all Feedback, the new legal owner should contact VCG and provide the following information:

  1. State that they are the new legal owner of the company (providing the name of the company in the statement)
  2. State that the previous owner(s) are not, in any way, affiliated with the new company or company ownership

Feedback FAQ

  • I recently posted Feedback but it isn't showing up?

    Qualified and approved Feedback will post online two days after it is submitted and will appear as part of the company Feedback profile and be visible on all VCG domains where the company has a listing.

  • Does VCG get directly involved in buyer ratings?

    Being a paid subscriber or advertiser on any VCG domain has no impact on a company's Buyer Rating. VCG does not assume responsibility for, nor endorse, any of the opinions or ratings in the Feedback Forum, and does not mediate private disputes between buyers and sellers. Authors of Feedback are solely responsible for any Feedback they submit. VCG does not independently determine the accuracy of Feedback.

  • Can I submit Feedback on any company?

    In order to submit Feedback on a company you must have conducted a specific business transaction with the company, and your submission must meet the requirements of our Feedback Policy. We may require users to send us printed copies of invoices to verify the transaction.

  • Do companies pay to be eligible to receive Feedback?

    No. There is no charge to be listed on signsearch or to be eligible to receive Feedback. Being a paid subscriber or advertiser on any VCG domain has no impact on a company's Buyer Rating.

  • Do companies have control over what Feedback they wish to have appear?

    No. All verifiable, non-fraudulent Feedback submitted will appear as part of a company's profile unless there is a violation of our published Feedback Policy. Companies can in no way manipulate their own Feedback profile.

  • How do I know that companies haven't submitted Feedback for themselves?

    We use a variety of techniques to prevent Feedback fraud, including the manual review of selected positive Feedback items. We also log IP addresses and require authors to provide verifiable contact information. Feedback submitted by employees or affiliates of a company will not be accepted.

  • Who can I submit Feedback for?

    The Feedback Forum is intended to represent comments left by buyers for companies listed on our Network for specific work that the company has completed for the buyer. This work can include a product (ex. a sign or printed poster) or service (ex. maintenance on a sign).

  • How do I know that my competitors won't fraudulently submit negative Feedback for me?

    We use a variety of techniques to prevent Feedback fraud, including the manual review of all negative Feedback items. We log IP addresses, require authors to provide verifiable contact information and we routinely require authors of negative Feedback to send us copies of an invoice as proof of a recent business transaction.

  • I want to submit Feedback, but I don't want my contact information made public.

    To maintain the integrity of our Feedback system, we cannot accept anonymous Feedback. The author's name will always be displayed publicly next to each Feedback item submitted. The phone number and email address of the author will not be displayed - however, both are required during the submission process for verification. In the event that you elect to submit negative Feedback, your name and contact phone number will be sent to the company you evaluate as notification of the submitted negative Feedback. If you've verified a recent transaction, your negative Feedback is fair and factual, and if you've made reasonable attempts at resolving this issue through direct communication with the company prior to submitting the negative feedback, then your Feedback will be approved and posted.

  • What if I find a Feedback item that I consider to be offensive?

    Please contact us either via email, or at 800-566-4162. If the Feedback item violates our Feedback Policy, it will be removed.

  • I want my company removed from this site.

    Companies cannot opt-out of appearing in our Feedback Forum or being listed on any VCG domain. It would defeat the purpose of having a Feedback Forum if a company with negative Feedback or poor Buyer Rating could choose not to be listed.

Please also review the Feedback Policy and Legal before participating in the Feedback Forum.